Monday 9 March 2015

March 9, 2015 -- baptizing Cesar

Well, I baptized Cesar Saturday. It was really something. He is the single most spiritually prepared person I have ever met. He teaches the lessons Sundays sometimes from his seat. Also he already received the Aaronic priesthood. He's already a priest. He sure does move fast!

So, my 4th companion Elder Hancock does work. It is good. He is from Utah. He is a pretty serious type guy. But he plays the piano very very well.

I literally have nothing to say. My life is kind of boring. We do contacts all day, and every once in a while we get a lesson and baptize those who are ready -Cesar- and that is really it.

Oh. We are now teaching a sister who has a partner (not spouse) who is an excommunicated returned (full time) missionary. Those lessons are very interesting. He cannot say anything during the lesson due to his status (which his partner doesn´t know about), and he talks using hand motions and omits words that are harsher and in place makes squeak noises. He feels very off, but he is a nice person. The sister is very hard to explain to. We cannot get the spirit into the lesson due to the presence of the brother (cannot visit without him) and that makes things difficult.

Cambios would be transfers.

And I really have nothing else to talk about. It is work, and it isn`t all that interesting. Usually the people reject us outright, refuse to answer when we talk to them, or lead us on hoping but never do what we ask them to. You get desensitized. Yeah. Sad.

But I can keep hoping. There are people like Cesar who really want to know out there. This I know. I just have to find them.

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott

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