Wednesday 13 May 2015

May 11, 2015 -- I have nothing to say.

Talking with you all yesterday was great, and I have almost nothing that I need to say.

So, basically this week nothing interesting happened. I received cake from four different sources, and we had the baptism of the husband of my Relief Society president.

He was baptized and confirmed by people who had absolutely no part in the process, which kind of made me mad, but apparently that is due to a power struggle that is happening between the mission president and the stake president here. All the missionaries might get pulled out of Matamoros due to this. It is because the bishops have started taking control of converts, and they do not have that authority (one even tried to prevent a baptism of the elders in that ward). Basically these wards have begun to reject the missionaries. So President is going to pull out his elders. It is strange to think about that. I guess I have to remember that everyone has free will, and sometimes they use it to hurt themselves, or the people around them, for no more reason than because they do not want to change their perspective. Oh well. All of that is part of the plan god gave us, so I can deal with it.

Still alive and kicking,

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott

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