Sunday 18 January 2015

January 12, 2015 -- This...kind of stunk.

This week was stinky. We were told we couldn't work one of the days due to the continuous cold and rain; but it wasn't really all that cold, and I like rain, so I didn't think it a viable reason to not work.

Some of the people we are working with dropped us and told us not to come back. That was pretty hard. Others that we are visiting all live in the same general area. Our district leader told us we couldn't visit over there for a good long while due to the presence of some Narcs in the area that were following us around.

We contacted a lot of people, but mostly they ended up being testigos and telling us not to come back. We ended up attending a Rosca de Reyes activity for another ward because the Ramirez Cruz family wanted to go. It was very fun, and I got a little figurine that is misformed. That was pretty nice.

We visited our investigators, but almost no one was home this week. It's kind of hard to believe since it was cold and rainy all week, but yeah. We met some new people, and did some work. No one came to church that we invited (once again due to cold rain and other circumstances that they explained to us), and we were able to accomplish very little "statistically".

But, I found out the reason why. I had the (surprise) opportunity to speak in Sacrament meeting Sunday. I had absolutely no idea what I should talk about. So I prayed, and I prepared two talks. When I walked into sacrament meeting I knew which I had to share. I ended up talking about the unity that should exist between members or the church. The two following talks were about the same thing. All three discourses planchó (I do not know this word in English) all of the membership. But during my talk the members were all dead silent. Even the babies and little kids stopped messing around and talking. The spirit was very strong, and I talked about my experience with bullying when I was a kid in Sunday school and how that affected me, how our actions can put the souls of other people in danger, and that we need to live what we say. I pleaded that they change the things that they are doing in order to reflect the people they are, each a child of god. I also got the answer I had been praying for about what I should do with my zone leaders during my talk. When we find ourselves in a position like mine right now, it is because we allow other people to walk all over us. You may remember that I am very patient, even to the point of being docile. I decided I am going to change that. I am going to change myself so that I can better serve.

You might be asking why I decided to share this. It doesn't make me sound good. But here is the point, I think I figured out what I was supposed to learn in this area--that is to take a stand. Up to this point, the zone leaders have been fighting a one sided war against us with the members and our area. I don´t like conflict, as you well know. Actually, I think abhor is a better word. And so I allowed them to do whatever they want. But as a result of their actions and my indifference, as missionaries of the same ward, we are not accomplishing much. We do not have the familial bond that the scriptures talk about. And I am unable to force them to change. That would be a violation of their free will.

So the answer I came to with much prayer and thought is that the best option would be to talk to president about the problem. I am waiting for his response, and as a designated representative of God in this mission, and the supervisor of this part of the vineyard, he will know what best to do. At this time, I wait. That is what we do. For it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. I'm pretty sure that was Abraham Lincoln. And in order to serve better, we all need to subject ourselves to the will of God, whatever that may be.

I realize that I will probably end up getting reprimanded, demoted, and maybe other unpleasant things. But if we are willing to live, we need to learn to be men and not mice. The difference is very finite I have learned.

We shall see where things stand next Monday. I do hope that things improve.

Well, love you guys. Have a nice week, and fingers crossed, ok?

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,

Elder Scott

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