Tuesday 20 January 2015

January 19, 2015 -- Wizardry!

So, here I am in Matamoros. It is another city, and my old area is about one fourth of the size of this one. I got moved here today, which means I have basically no time to do the things I normally do on Monday.

I will relate a story entonces.

First off, my final day in the area we were able to get permission from the father of two of the girls we were teaching to baptize them. And their cousin decided to get baptized, too. So I get to miss their baptisms, unfortunately. We strapped down, and got some work done this last week. I do not get to see the fruits, but hey, seeds are great, too (especially sunflower seeds...no, pumpkin--pumpkin is the best!).

We were unable to visit the Ramirez Cruz family (which I considered crying about but decided not to) due to various gunfights that broke out near their house. That stunk.

On the bright side, exchanges are the times when the weirdest things ever can happen. I had two days of exchanges this week. In the first we knocked on a door, and the man invited us in. We had a short talk, and then the man took the coat of my companion for the day and proceeded to practice white magic on him. It was incredibly strange. He touched his heart, diagnosed him with a disease of the heart, and lightened his load by pressing many times on his big toe, feeling his heart (chest), and reading his aura--VERY strange. The following exchange, with his companion, we ended up visiting a practitioner of black magic. He did not put a death curse or anything on us (I think), but his shrine to saint death was super super creepy; and I am pretty sure the skull he had was not a fake. The sad part was both of them were really accepting and wanted to get baptized. But we cannot visit people when they believe and practice their magic on us. That could become dangerous.

Here I am with Elder Phelps, an Elder from Utah. He has the Utah accent when he talks in Spanish. Did you know there is an accent of Spanish that most Utahans speak? I didn't, but I have found that they speak the same (here at least). I'm super excited about the new area, although we have to take taxis every day. And guess what? They eat flour tortillas here! How amazing is that? I spent a long time with corn tortillas, but nothing beats flour. Mmmm.

I did not have a camera the entire week (do not ask, please) so I am unable to send pictures of dead animals. But don`t worry; I will have some next week, I hope. Have a good week!

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,

Elder Scott

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