Friday 6 February 2015

February 2, 2015 -- Candelaria

Today is Candelaria. Please permit me to explain. One month ago, we had the day of the Rosca de Reyes. Rosca de Reyes = Baby bread day (a charming tradition where people use a russian roulette type pastry to force their friends to do various things, including but not limited to buying or making tamales, paying the rent, spending one day only saying compliments, etc.). You know you are at your friends´ mercy if you get a little plastic baby wise man in your bread. Supposedly it is a reminder of the wise men who visited baby Jesus, but I do not see a connection. I did not get a ´´mono´´ (little figurine), but one of my investigators gave me hers. It is malformed, with one arm and the legs only, which I think is better anyways. One month after the Rosca de Reyes, we have a day named Candelaria. Candelaria = Tamale Night (an excuse to not work and also an excuse to force your friends to buy you tamales if you got one of the wise men from the giant donut on baby bread day). No matter what day this should be it is celebrated Monday so that the workforce doesn´t take the entire week off. They do no do anything else this day. Mexican traditions are great, don´t you think?

So anyways, we are doing work here.

1. Diana, one of our investigators who we have yet to teach, accepted a baptismal date, came to church, and is super excited to be baptized on the 21st. I find that a little incredible since we have yet to teach her, but she told us she asked god in prayer what she needed to do with her life and we showed up at her door. She is going through a difficult divorce right now because her husband took the kids and ran. She prayed for help and we arrived. :)

2. Evalyn is another investigator. We have been teaching her a little, and she also will be baptized on the 21st. She comes to church every week, asks a lot of questions, and really understands when we explain things, which is really nice. She has a good testimony, and she is already in Jacob! Wooh!

3. The Paz Martinez family (other investigators) bought a van so they can all go to church every week now. We are working to get the parents married on the 14th so that they can get baptized the 21st.

So, the zone is doing an activity, and there are 20+ baptisms scheduled for the 21st. Can you imagine every missionary and their investigators in white on the same day? How great would that be! Half of the people who attend would be dressed in white. We just have to get more clothing for all of these people. We have high hopes for the 21st.

So, I would like to share a question that someone asked me in church this week that is doctrinally profound, and I did not know the answer. I was shown the answer afterward in the Book of Mormon. It is the following:
Gog is a god of order. Our world is established by order, and everything that happens happens for prescribed and logic reasons. Earthquakes because tectonic plates move. Tornadoes because certain weather patterns naturally create them. Sin because with knowledge comes responsibility. Due to the fall of Adam, we have the knowledge to be able to create progeny. There are rules in this world. We cannot defy the law of gravity. All of the natural laws, we must follow, and God also is bound by these laws. So we are told by the scriptures. We know that for God, all laws are spiritual laws. He has not given us any purely physical laws. But in this life, for us, many of the laws are physical: Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity, Law of Moses, you name it. Like us, God follows these laws. He would not ask us to do anything that he himself does not do. And we still do not live the highest laws. For reference to this, please see your nearest person who knows about the law of consecration and why we observe the law of the tithe instead. So, here is the question... The law of sexual interaction is the only way to have children here on the earth. A father and a mother are unable to have children if they do not have interaction. Their has to be a physical connection and interaction. Two men cannot have a child. Two women cannot have a child. (That is, without some major alteration) So, the question is this: how was Jesus conceived? Please keep in mind that God cannot possibly have broken the law of chastity. So, how? A Book of Mormon prophet answers this question. Lets see if any of you can answer it, you have until I write next week. Good Luck!

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott

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