Friday 13 February 2015

February 9, 2015

The answer is in 1st Nephi 11: 16-17. I do not know what it says in English, as I only use Spanish scriptures now, but basically an angel asks Nephi if he knows the condescension of God (after he has been showed what will happen) and Nephi responds, Yeah, I know god loves all his children, but I still have no idea. I know not.

I can buy balloons here here super cheap, 70 pesos for 100 (5 and a half dollars). The ones I use are size 260. Ballon figure packets always have a number on them, the first digit represents thickness of balloon fully inflated (2 inches), and the other represents size fully inflated longitudily (60 inches). I figured out how to make missionaries (elders and sisters) with balloons. It takes 4 balloons to make an elder, and 6 to make a sister. They are super duper popular with the members. I have pictures, but I cannot send them because I do not know where the cord I use to transport pictures went, and all of the computers we can use have viruses that delete all content if you connect a memory to them. Going to have to wait for pics, sorry.

We spent more time working with less actives this week, and due to our efforts 3 families returned to church. Woo! Of our investigators, well... We had a ride planned for Diana. Our Mission Leader promised to pick her up and drive her to church, but he forgot. So she cannot be baptized on the 21st, and she could not attend. Sadness. The number of people who came this week was pretty great; we jumped from 140 to 180. The members helped us invite less actives, you see. Pretty awesome. The stake president came and asked the members to help us more. :) Happy!

We do not use English unless my companion doesn´t understand something someone said. It isn´t really all that different to have an gringo for a companion.

I do not really have anything else to send this week. Love you guys. Stay well. Don´t die.

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott

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