Tuesday 9 December 2014

December 8, 2014 -- Crazy Weeks!

Sorry about no letter last week, I had absolutely no time to do anything. Right before Cambios (Changes) life got really very insane. These two weeks were crazy.

To start with, I got to perform another baptism--that of Alexandra, a kid we have been teaching for a while now. The plan was to baptize her with her mom, but the day before the baptism we found out that she is not actually legally married to her spouse/the man she is living with. Ouch. Then, the day of, the father got really sullen and wouldn´t let anyone in the family attend the service other than Alexandra. She left the house crying. Everyone in the ward that was invited to the baptism didn´t show up, but some good friends, also missionaries, had a baptism they let us crash and that was nice.
I can now officially inflate balloons with ease without a pump. Woohoo!

I got examined by one of the assistants to see how my training went and what I am ready for. He came to my area, and fought verbally with the people I contacted. I have to say, it was very strange. The visit was to see how ready I am for whatever comes next I have now been informed. SO, I am going to train an Elder named Elder Montes! That is really exciting. Elder Montes is great.

I am going to sing in something. I have yet to be informed what, but I will be singing in some missionary activity. That will be great. I love singing.

Uh, so I am really very sick right now. I got the flu and my foot infection hasn't gone away, but the doctor I talked to said to give it time. During the night my head hurts a lot sometimes due to the mucus buildup in my head . BUT, I am alive.

Aubs is 18 now! Feliz Cumpleaños! Congrats on living through another year of strangeness!

I got more investigators. So, that side of things is all good. And, now that I have a new companion, things can get rolling with these peeps! Also, not being the companion of district leader will be nice.

So, the new Zone Leaders only care about one thing: the number of baptisms you have. Well, it is better than the last ones who were stealing investigators from our area. All of the stuff that missionaries have to do--key Indicators--have become much easier now: contacting, lessons, everything. 

Also, it has become hard to write letters because I have started thinking without language; kind of weird, but yeah. Spanish is easier than English. 

The newbies in San Jose are really needy. My comp has to go with one of them, and I get the other one. Bleh. I have a lot of work, and there really isn't much time to do all of it! I want to visit them all, but there just isn't time. I am currently visiting 30 individuals, as investigators. I could tell you all about them individually, but there is no time.

Anyways, Love you guys.

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott

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