Thursday 18 June 2015

June 8, 2015 -- Weird Things

A man offered us water during one of our lessons. We accepted and drank (we are always thirsty), and then I found a large wriggling black worm in my glass. That was gross.

But, I will now explain why this is not such a big deal after all.

We went and had a lesson with the Castillo family. They all cried. A lot. The spirit was very powerful. Elder Smith was jumping out of his seat because he was so excited about it. This family is amazing. They know. We are just waiting to see when they get baptized.

And the man that gave me the worm? We prayed for him. I got to be mouth, and we prayed for direction. To know where we should go to find the people that are ready for the message. At the end of the prayer, I looked at my companion and said (in Spanish), "we are going to go to the Sauteña, and we are going to Portales, then we are going to enter the first street we see and knock doors--there is someone waiting for us on this street, and the first person who answers will invite us in and will receive the message." And that was exactly what happened. He came to church, he loved it, and he has a batismal date that he is excited about. In his prayer during our lesson (investigators almost never pray the first time), he started to ask if what we shared was true, stopped and said he already knew it is true. The guy is really, really awesome. His name is Javier.

Also, Elizabeth, who is an investigator we have who is very aged and sick came to church and enjoyed it. It is great here.

We have a couple of investigators that my companion calls dimepieces. He explained to me what that is; apparently using the ranking system 1-10, you can explain to other people how cute you think someone is. 1 is low, 10 is high. Evidently, we are teaching some 10's according to him. I thought this funny so I wanted to include it.

I guess I will go back to work now. Love you guys.

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott

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