Monday 13 July 2015

July 13, 2015 -- Mine

Well, the area (Reynosa) is officially mine now, which is good because we worked hard this week. We had 30 lessons (the weekly average is 12-18 lessons), and we have a ton of people that want to feed us, go to church, and get baptized. Unfortunately, only two of them went to church.

I had no idea I would enjoy being with someone from the MTC this much. Elder Robertshaw knows a lot of music, too, and we amuse ourselves when we are walking by singing. Also, we get to sing in lessons (a luxury, because generally no one can sing and it drives away the spirit when they try), and he is good. 

In other news, I got the stuff that my old companion did not initially send me, and my shoes and my razor were both covered in mold! I am going to figure out how to clean that so that I can use them.
Some less actives picked us up in the middle of the street and tried to rent a house to us when we were going to a lesson appointment we had. It was incredibly strange, and the lesson fell through when we finally got there. 

We now know the area, so we have no problems arriving anywhere.

Elder Robertshaw opens the bible to a random page to find a spiritual thought to share with one of his friends who is currently serving her mission. He opened to Isaiah 62:5, which we thought was hilarious. I do not believe he will send her that scripture.

The doctor cleared me, so apparently I am healed. It sure is nice to be able to preach again. Unfortunately, we are entering something called the Kanicula, which means it does not rain, the temperature is always at least 40 degrees C, and the sun is very strong. But I am enjoying it.

I have nothing else to talk about really, so here are some people I met here:

Tomi is a nine-year-old boy we will baptize next week because we just reactivated his parents. He is an awesome kid.

Eloi is a 10 year old boy whose family was recently baptized, but he was unable to be in the lessons because he was with his father (divorced parents). He will be baptized in two weeks.

Baltazar is a seventy-year-old blind man, grandfather of Eloi, and he will receive the priesthood this week. It would be amazing if he could baptize his grandson.

Guadalupe is a Jehovah´s Witness we talked to twice. She warmed up to us after the first lesson, then when we came the second time she refused to talk to us and acted like we were not even there. It made us sad. She accepted a baptismal date in the first lesson, but I do not know what happened the morning of the next day, and she was super cold when we came back the next night. :(

The Gutierrez Mata family are creentes (catholics who do not attend church) that accepted us and a baptismal date for the 7th. The trick is getting them to church.

José Angel and Argelio are a brother and sister (51 and ?? [because you do not ask a woman her age]) who are also creentes but who asked all the really good questions missionaries want to hear about baptism, authority, why there are so many churches, the works.

Enrique is a sixteen-year-old kid that works in a bakery. He knows the Book of Mormon is true but doesn't want to go to church. His mother also believes in the Book of Mormon and told us that we would probably conquer her with that book, which is super awkward for a missionary, given that conquering has many meanings and the only common use is sexual. It is correct to say, but it was a little surprising. Unfortunately, they are moving back to their home in Colima, :( , which is like 16 hours from here. In car. 

We also lost another family because they moved, Emma and her kids. They are great people; they just had to leave. They are moving right outside the limits of our area. :(

I met a bunch of other people, but these are few couple that I found interesting. So, there you have them.

That is about it. Love you guys. Have an excellent week.

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que te puedo ofrecer
Salutations, Love, and all that I can offer
Elder Scott

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