Monday 6 July 2015

July 6, 2015 -- Emeritus

Hiya! So I am able to work again now!

And, I got sent on a special interchange with an elder from my district in the MTC named Elder Robertshaw. I also live with Elder Brogan, who was my companion in the MTC. This area has not been assigned to me, however. Elder Robertshaw´s companion hurt himself kicking a ball against a wall and can´t walk for a couple of weeks as a result.

My last (hopefully) doctor´s appointment is today.

Some of my stuff was lost when my companion sent it with President (don´t worry, I will get it eventually). Among these things were my shoes. I thought those would be one of the things my companion was sure to send. I guess it is a good thing that in the mission home there are black trash bags full of things that missionaries who have gone home did not want to take with them. So I have a newish pair of shoes that are ok.

I had a beard! I will not send pictures, but I was unable to shave or do any other self care for a month, so I had lots of hair. I bought a razor (another thing my companion forgot and I will get eventually) and shaved, which is happy. I also found a suit jacket that actually fits me in the mission home, and president asked me whose clothing I was wearing (I told him) and then informed me I looked like a model ;) My waist is now a 31, which I am very happy about. Lets see how I end up :)

One of the suits I brought with me molded. My companion packed it wet in a plastic bag. Oh well. IT doesn´t matter, since I got a replacement.

I am currently an emeritus missionary just like Elder Scott is an emeritus apostle. But I should be returning to duties. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Love you guys.

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott


  1. We're so glad your health is improving, Elder Scott.Our son is excited to be your comp!

    1. Hi, Brother Robertshaw. I'll let him know. He sure enjoys being companions with your son!
