Saturday 25 July 2015

July 20, 2015 -- To Clarify

To clarify what I sent last week, Elder Robertshaw is my companion. He is an awesome guy. We spend all day singing and talking to people. It is hot. We have people we teach. The end.
Did you like my clarification? :)
So I would like to inform everyone that I am really happy! 
I fasted Friday, which was an excellent day to fast because not only was it very hot, but we got to clean out the baptismal font! The drainage equipment does not work, and the water tanks are full in our chapel; so we got to empty all the water out with buckets. It was about 2 feet deep, green, with lots of cockroaches (dead) and mosquitoes (alive). It only took 4 hours out of our day to empty, clean, fill, empty again (the water came out yellow) clean again, and then fill the font. After that we ate, and we were exhausted when we finally had the baptism. But we appreciated it a lot more, let me tell you. 
We had an excellent week! The number of investigators who came to church doubled, we still had 25 lessons, and we got 6 references, 3 of which we contacted. They didn't want anything to do with us, but we managed to get a ton of work done in spite of spending so much time not teaching. (We spent like a day and a half doing other chores such as cleaning fonts.) 
I had interchanges with the zone leaders, which was all right. They do not really have anyone they're teaching, unfortunately, so we contacted a lot. There is an elder in training over there, too, so he got to practice talking.

In other (bad) news, there is a man in priesthood who is a nonmember living in free union (not married) with a ward member. (His son is a returned missionary who baptized his girlfriend and then moved in with her.) He explodes whenever someone bears their testimony in church, refuses to lower his voice (he talks at a nice outside-voice yell level), and basically attempts to ruin the meeting for everyone else. He also takes offense whenever the topic is any type of sin (especially sexual sin) and takes all of the class time whining. We asked him to try to be more reverent and he told us to take a hike in very strong language. We are going to eat in his home on Thursday alone because the other elders´ investigator invited them to eat that day and would not let them say no. :(

We found a woman named Gloria this week who came to church, wants to be baptized, and already believes in what we say. She is already reading the book of Mormon, and basically, she is an awesome person.
Have an excellent week!

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que te puedo ofrecer
Salutations, Love, and all that I can offer
Elder Scott

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