Wednesday 24 May 2017

Laurel 5/20/17

Wow! I can't believe we are one whole week down.

This week has been a crazy whirlwind. My district changed around some, so now I am in a trio! Sister Burnham, Sister Ward and I are all companions. I miss Sister Beecroft but I am learning a lot from being with the two of them.

The Elders in my district were also a trio for a while, with Elder Akers, Elder Wingert and Elder Zoolakis. Elder Wingert just got a new companion though, Elder Hughes. He was originally going to serve in Japan, but because of health reasons he is going to be reassigned. He has already been in the MTC for 9 weeks! So he is already a veteran. He has been teaching us a little Japanese as well, which is fun. Basically I can say Hello. He is a convert to the Church, and used to be a bartender, so he showed us how to make rainbow drinks in the cafeteria. Basically it's all different flavors of juice and powerade. I can add "making rainbow drinks" to my list of random skills!

This week we got to start teaching TRC investigators, so I have had lots of opportunities to practice teaching the Gospel. One of the days I was able to go teach with Sister Hoop, one of the Sisters in my branch, instead of my companions. That time I we had no time to prepare and so we just went into the lesson trusting in the Lord. Through the Spirit we knew exactly what to say, and I felt God's love for us and our investigator, Natalie, the whole time. We were able to teach her for 45 minutes, and she learned a lot and told us that she was really feeling the Spirit. I can't wait to have experiences like this and feel God's love for the people in Florida! Missions sure are wonderful. The girl in the picture with us is Lauren, she is one of our other investigators. I've loved teaching her about the Restoration, the Plan of Salvation, and the Gospel! She has even agreed to be baptized.OH I forgot to say that the second time I taught with Sister Hoop, we taught a sweet lady named Linda who also agreed to be baptized. So great stories and love all around.

I am learning so much in my classes. Most specifically my testimony of the Book of Mormon has been strengthened so much. I have learned how to study it more effectively and really find answers to my questions. Man, God is so so so good.

Tomorrow for church Sister Burnham, Sister Ward and I are going to sing a trio of "Nearer my God to Thee" in sacrament meeting, and then I get the blessing of teaching Relief Society. When they asked me I just laughed and agreed. Thank you to Melanie Williams for giving me experience as a Relief Society teacher so that I could teach missionaries in the MTC. (It's only stressing me out a little bit, so I think that that is a win.)

I am leaving the MTC in only 10 days! May 30th I'll be on a plane on my way to Florida. Time is moving so fast already, I feel like I'm going to blink and my whole mission will suddenly be over. Like Sister Ward says, "The days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days". Before you know it I'll be home again! Don't worry though, I've got plenty of teaching to do in the meantime. Love you all so much! Talk to you in one week.

(By the way the tree I am smelling smells exactly like Cream Soda and it is weird but awesome. Don't judge me)

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