Tuesday 30 May 2017

Laurel 5/27/17 -- Two Days More!

I'm headed to the field on TUESDAY! How crazy is that? Just Sunday and Monday left until I am in Tallahassee sharing the message of the Lord with the people there. I am really excited but also really nervous and also really READY TO GO!

Mom- I cut my hair. I know, I know! It's pretty short now. It hangs over my shoulders. I'm not going to send a picture of it until next week so you have time to mentally prepare yourself for this change. I think it will be good to have short hair that doesn't hang over my missionary tag and isn't too hot for the humidity in Florida.

BIG NEWS! This Tuesday, Elder Renlund of the quorum of the Twelve apostles came to speak at the MTC! It was so amazing and uplifting. He talked about how important it is to Come unto Christ, specifically through the sacrament. I know I will be much more focused this Sunday as I renew my covenants to God through that amazing ordinance. He told us to always remember that after we are baptized and confirmed, the next ordinance we need is the sacrament. And then after we are endowed, the next ordinance we need is the sacrament. Then after we are sealed the next ordinance we need is the sacrament. And every day of our lives the next ordinance we need is the sacrament. Really powerful stuff!!

Funny moments this week: My companions and I were talking about our worst teaching moments in the MTC. Once while teaching Yui, a young Japanese woman who believes in multiple gods and wasn't familiar with the Bible, Sister Ward testified that God loves us so much that He blessed us with families. Yui then said, "but I don't like my family". We just kind of sat there awkwardly for a few moments not sure what to say. Then in the middle of the lesson, when she was questioning universal truth and one God, Sister Burnham felt that we should switch from teaching about the apostasy and talk about our purpose here on earth, and what will happen after we die. She turned to us and said, "I'm feeling the Plan of Salvation." We just looked at her with shocked expressions, and Yui had no idea what we were talking about. My worst teaching moment was in a role-play with one of our teachers. I was trying to ask an inspired question, but it kept coming out wrong, so she said, "Never mind, abandon ship!" At least it was during a role-play right? All joking aside, this is a great place and I have learned so much here. I have been blessed with three amazing companions, hundreds of new stories, and thousands of new insights.

Next time you hear from me I'll be out serving the Lord! I'll keep you posted on when my pday is. I miss you all and I can't wait to hear from you!
With gratitude to the Lord and all my love,
Sister Scott

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