Tuesday 14 April 2015

April 13, 2015 -- Teaching 25+ Families!

Cesar´s friend is not baptized (yet) but will do this in the coming weeks. He has a lot of problems right now due to the situation with his family, but apparently our visits as missionaries are preventing him from committing suicide.

The spouse (nonmember) of my relief society president wants me to baptize him this Saturday! That means we have to teach all of the lessons before Thursday.

Also, the excommunicated member whose non-wife I was teaching went on vacation, and it turns out that they got married civilly! That means she will be baptized also Saturday.

The story of the hour: the family that gave us cake. We went back. It is a family of 30 people. They do not know exactly how many of them there are. They can´t count them successfully. :) Every time we visit they give us food. Some of them went to church this week, and everything would be really great if it wasn't for the fact that almost without exception they are living in union libre--or free union. They consider themselves married, but they are not actually married. They believe what we tell them. I hope they have sufficient faith to marry civilly. The last time we visited them, they gave us a really strange vegetable. You put it in flour tortillas, and you eat it. It tastes exactly like pizza, but it looks like spinach. It was incredibly strange.

So, I went to the hospital this week. I started to have a lot of nausea, my stomach hurt, and I got dizzy--the works. They pumped me full of antibiotics and suero (which is like Gatorade, apparently) and sent me out. They also told me I shouldn't be outside in the heat (fat chance I stay inside) and gave me a prescription for meds. I'm feeling better now, although not 100%. The nausea won't go away for some reason.
My companion is getting transferred. Again. I will be going to Rio Bravo to collect my new companion Elder Palmas and returning here.

In other news, the mission president´s wife has stated that the missionaries are not allowed to eat Chinese food. Apparently that is a common cause of stomach issues for missionaries.

Romans is super deceptive. This is why so many people believe works are not important, if you read the JST faith is followed by works as a show that you really care, and these justify belief. James says the same thing.

We currently have 25 families in teaching. We are going to boot some of the less serious ones because there really isn't time to visit them all, and some are going to get baptized. So that'll open things up. The Medina Family (family of 30) are a handful all by themselves.

We shall see what the Lord sends my way this week. Until next week,

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott

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