Wednesday 22 April 2015

April 20, 2015 -- Elder Palma

Hello fambly.

This week lots of things happened.

1: Sugey got baptized. She is the woman with the excommunicated husband. I got to confirm her, and my companion baptized her. She is super happy about everything.

2: Brother Joseph (José), the husband of my Relief Society president will be baptized this week. He didn´t feel ready, but this week he will be. Also Sarai, the friend of his daughter, will be baptized the same day, same time. José told me I have to baptize him.

3: Rosalio, the man who was suicidal, has not talked to us and is not answering his phone. But we should see him tomorrow, so we're hoping for the best.

4: Juana and Leslie had their baptismal dates moved because Juana has to work this Saturday and is going to be absolutely dead. I taught them using an avengers sticker we found on the ground on the way to their house. I explained that they are sometimes unable to fight due to problems with the substances we do not use (Hawkeye gets coffee jitters and cannot aim his bow, Hulk is using a suppressant drug that prevents him from getting angry and so cannot become the hulk, Iron man cannot breathe because his lungs shut down from tobacco, and so on). Basically, everyone dies if someone messes up. That is how these substances are for our bodies. They understood perfectly. It was really cool.

5: The Medina Family: These are the 30 people. All of the men drink and all of them live in free union, but the young women are super animated about learning. They also give us food when we visit. It is really very strange but cool. So far like four of them go to church, and all the women want to change.

6: Brother Richard (Ricardo) is a man who has refused to hear the missionaries for a long time. All of the members of his family are members of the church. We convinced him to pray, and it was the first time he has prayed since he was like 20. Then he gave us cake. It was super sweet, and we could not finish it, so we gave it to the other elders.

7: Elder Palma is my new companion. He is from Tampico, which is another part of Tamaulipas, which is the state of Mexico we are in. Some of his nonmember aunts live in the area. Apparently they will be feeding us often :) He knows a tiny bit about anime because each and every single one of the girlfriends he has had has watched it. Many of his dates were going to conventions. I find this great because he has fun stories about them, and the girls set things up so that their life was like a really tacky boy meets girl and boy is oblivious right up until the girl tackles him so that he will take her out on a date type of movie or tv show. Apparently this is very common for anime people.

8: Little kids: Have I ever mentioned that little kids are the best? They don't make excuses; they either do what you ask them or they don't. They do not lie. They accept what you say and are open to listen. They pay attention. They are in all ways better than adults for learning. We are teaching some kids now, and they want us to come all the time to talk to them. The parents are not as excited, but the kids are awesome. They also invited all their friends to receive us. The parents are the hard part because they do not understand doctrine. They cannot see change viable in what they believe, and that makes it extremely difficult to convince them of the traditions of their fathers vs. the covenants of the lord.

9: I am completely all right now--no health problems. :)

10: I am happy.

Saludos, Amor, y Todo que puedo ofrecer a tí,
Salutations, Love, and All that I have to offer you,
Elder Scott

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