Monday 17 November 2014

November 10, 2014

Hello All. How goes life. What challenges are you facing? Would you like to hear about my life? Blahty Blahty Blah. Almost nobody writes me, and that makes a poor vicious-canary [our family term for “missionary”—big grin] sad.

Life this week was difficult. We had a lot of rain. I spent all of my time soaked, even though I was wearing an impermeable coat. At some point during the rain I got sick. I have inflamed intestines. This makes constipation look like child’s play. I hurt all the way through the tubes, when they allow things to pass through. I still have it, but I am taking medication to help `ease` my suffering. My companion is also really sick due to his allergies. But he refuses to take medication. We teach that in order to receive blessings, you have to do all that you possibly can to deserve said blessings. For getting better from sickness, this includes taking medication, don`t you think? Can`t get him to do it, though.

Had exchanges for 2 of he 6 working days of the week. Elder Zagal and Elder Montes. Zagal has 6 months, Montes has 1 week. We accomplished a lot. Met some great people in the other area, whom I am absolutely sure are getting baptized.

Had Alexandra and her mother Guadalupe come to church this week, in addition to an assortment of small children. Some of which were not hers. They enjoyed it a lot, and I answered a lot of her questions (of which there were many). They enjoyed themselves, and we have more lessons before they are getting baptized. This is happening. They want it.

To tell you the truth, growing out of your clothes (either way) is no big deal here. You can buy jeans for 10 pesos. Shoes for 50—a full suit for 75. 3 piece? 100. Shirts? 5. Do not know how much a belt costs, but I do not need a new one quite yet. It actually costs more to repair an article of clothing than it does to buy a new one.

In other news, my camera has quit working. I am working on fixing that, because there are many interesting things I want to take pictures of.

Gave a blessing to this kid who asked for one. Had absolutely no time to prepare or anything, so the best course of action is to pray before. Pray that you will be an able conduit for the spirit to tell this child of god what they need to hear. I promised him health, which is what the blessing was for, and as I was going to end it I found myself promising that he would meet someone this week that he would have the opportunity to bring into the church. And that, should he faithfully try to bring this person in, he would be successful and would find a ton of joy in them and their accomplishment. And that he would gain a personal testimony of the importance of missionary work. Twas pretty cool!

Life is pretty boring otherwise. It is work.

Love you guys.

-Elder Scott

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