Monday 17 November 2014

Week One

Family and friends:

I'm having a wonderful time here. I like everyone in my district. We started with twelve people in the district, and one of them decided he needed to go home on the second day. We lost another one yesterday, but he explained to us the actual reason. He had gone into the field unworthy, and knows that was wrong. So, hes going home for a while, then he promised to come back out ASAP. That one was a lot harder. We all really liked the elder, you know? I'm happy that he made the hard choice and decided to get on the right track before going out. We are losing another Elder Monday, but that only because hes going to the MTC in Spain. 

[NOTE: I'm going to just put initials for people's privacy.] The elders in my district are as follows: Me, Elder J (district Leader, really fun guy), Elder H (absolutely hilarious), Elder B (my first companion, has a lot of trouble with Spanish, doesn't understand anything anyone says to him), Elder S (ent home the 2nd day), Elder W (no idea what to tell you about him, leaving for Spain on Monday), Elder R (we call him Spock because his ears are pointed, he is really smart, and he doesn't talk much), Elder M (arrives at the joke half an hour after everyone else), Elder D (went home yesterday,  great guy.), Elder B (he'sawesome, a lot like me, does a little beatboxing but he cannot sing notes :( ), Elder W2 (also a lot like me, good singer, hard worker), and Elder W2 (doesn't eat meals, eats a protein bar and a banana for breakfast, family sends him all kinds of junk food, works out way too much, doesn't really like anyone but Elder Spock). Those are/were my district, and I like them all quite a bit. They are like the brothers i have been fortunate to have the lord give me. All of them but  D, W, and B are going to Reynosa on their missions. 

We got an investigator on the second day, and I taught her 4 lessons. That was really great, in the first lesson I had no idea what I was saying, but she seemed to understand me (yay for help from the  spirit!). I taught her about quite a few things, and even with my companion(s) random interjections about things we had already spoken about, I think those lessons went really well. We aren't going to be teaching her anymore. She seemed sad to no longer have the opportunity to talk with us (me, because my companions Elder H and Elder B have no idea what she is saying most of the time). Elder H attempted to commit her to baptism, right after she had explained to me why she didn't want to be baptized yet, how she wasn't ready to give up her lifestyle. It was funny afterward, but I had to rephrase his words in order for it to make sense. 

yo bendice con el Don de lengues mucho en el CCM. I have been blessed with a lot of the gift of tongues the the MTC. I don't know why in Spanish it's the CCM. I can easily hold long conversations with people in Spanish. I am very grateful. I got to share my personal conversion story with my district for one of our devotionals, and the effect it had was pretty cool. It was part of the reason Elder D decided to go home.

Just in case you are wondering, I still sing all the time, and I still get to beat box. Almost my entire district loves my voice, and I sung The February song by Josh Groban to send off Elder D. There were many tears, although I managed to make it through the song without crying. He didn't know what he wanted me to sing for him, and Elder H suggested that. I think he needed to hear words of encouragement, and that song was an excellent choice for his predicament. 
To answer your question about captain crunch mom, I have not eaten cereal here but once, and it was blueberry muffin tops. I fixed the clock and it works right now. I forgot 2 things when I came here, my watch and my shaving cream. I actually have to shave every morning now! All the testosterone I'm living with helped with that.
They do keep us extremely busy here at the MTC all the time. However, I'm really glad I get to be here. I love learning Spanish (who knew it would be this easy? haha) and I am super grateful every time I get impressions (usually at least every half hour) as well as other blessings. I am really happy to be serving this mission.

I don't have much time left for writing, so in closing I want you all to know that your brother Jesus Christ, the Lord, the holy spirit, and I, all love you very much. 

Tengo una testimonia a la verdad a el Libro del Mormon. Yo se que nuesto querido padre celestial tiene amor por sus hijos. Yo se que la profeta, Presidente Monson es una profeta verdad. Yo se que Jos'e smith es la profeta de la restorracion, y es una profeta de dios. Jesucristo hace la expiacion por los hombres y tiene muchas sentimientos por los hombres. Porque no digo mucho espanol, y la computadors no tiene enye y otra letturas de espanol, es mi testimonio de el evangelio. Esto Jesucristo Vida.

I love you all,
Elder Scott

To whom it may concern: Just wanted to let you know that the MTC is amazing. I'm really glad I came. Email you all in a week.

Oh, just in case someone doesn't have it, my mailing address at the MTC is

Elder Derik Kyle Scott
2023 N 900 E Unit 811
Provo UT 84602

(Big side note from Derik's mom: I was MUCH happier with this email than the day-two email! :) )

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