Monday 17 November 2014

September 11, 2014

So, I start packing today. I leave the MTC at 9:00 Sunday, and I have 2 layovers. My flights and layovers in total add up to like 18 hours of time. I am stoked. Although I may have to acquire more money in order to pay unforeseen baggage fees at the airport. I am not too worried about it, though. I will just be flying AeroMexico. I am very excited to be able to head out for Mexico soon. The MTC was nice, but I am so ready to be out there.

In other news: here are the nicknames I received during my stay at they MTC: Jukebox (Because I like to sing--A LOT), Rocket-man (because I punch the volleyball over the net a lot), and The Wall (because of how I block in soccer.). 

I get to visit the temple today. Oh last week, instead of going to the temple because there was a mix-up up with one of my district members I ended up sitting outside of the temple studying Jesus The Christ for two hours. It was amazing. 

Here is something I noticed that I thought was really cool during my studies: in Spanish God is Dios. Dio is the preterit form of Dar, which means to give. So, what I got is that the word for god is directly  related to "he gave." How cool is that? 
I talked to my branch president again, and he said to remind him to have me give the talk. Fingers crossed right?
I see David for the last time at lunch today probably. I will tell him congrats. 

Ii enjoy getting your letters, Mom and Dad, but I haven't heard from anyone else, which makes me sad. Many persons should send them to me! Bring me a Email-ery (shrubbery)!
Love you all,
-Elder Scott

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